Panama Here We Come!

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MJM7 has been selected to perform at World Youth Day 2019 in Panama City, Panama! 

Our minds have been in a whirlwind since we received our letter! We have never attended a World Youth Day, much less presented at one! So many unknowns. 

I go straight to Logistics, Logistics, Logistics! The only other time that the band has traveled internationally, the host took care of all the planning. She even ordered at all the restaurants! For World Youth Day, we are one of many presenters, and we are tasked with providing all of our own transportation. Also, we have less than 6 months notice. Most of us don't even have passports! My mind starts making to-do lists: passports, plane tickets, lodging, luggage, food. For me the big unknown is the crowds. How do we manage kids, music gear, and transportation in an unimaginable crowd?  What family members should come? Will the grandmas be able take on Fidelity's care for 10 days?  

Michael's mind starts thinking about the show. What gear can we travel with? How do we get it through the crowds? Will we be on an indoor stage or outdoor stage? What day or time will we perform? What will the production company provide? Will the kids be able to keep it together if we are out of our elements. What can we do to make a great show if we can't bring our lights and video? How do we book events for December and January if we have this trip right in the middle of January? How do we manage promotion and fundraising with our busy fall tour? 

All of these thoughts are encircled in excitement. Of course we want to do our very best among all of the unknowns. 

We ask for your support as we prepare for this pilgrimage. Please pray for the details, our safety, calm nerves, and great ministry! Also, if you are so inclined to donate for travel expenses, we recently were approved as a 501(c)(3) non-profit



Michelle Mette1 Comment